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Saturday, August 24, 2024



Please remember that EVERY message on the Internet, including this web site, is routinely being intercepted, screened, and carefully analyzed by the NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, and because you have visited THIS web site, they are now watching YOU ! ! !
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These dangerously illegal and immoral subversive underground resistance messages are being surreptitiously monitored by the Beaming Internet Government Broadband Radio Oscillation Telecommunications Hearing Electronic Reconnaissance (i.e., "B.I.G. B.R.O.T.H.E.R.") as part of a coordinated official clandestine domestic surveillance investigation, in cooperation with the National Administration of Zealous Interrogation (i.e., "N.A.Z.I.") and the Commission On Message Monitoring Investigative Electronics (i.e., "C.O.M.M.I.E."). 

Serious felony criminal charges are pending, with extreme penalties yet to be determined!


Please click on these links to learn:


             and/or to read


        and/or to read about


             and/or to read 
the inspiring TRUE (!) story of


"I am Prince John, of the House of Israel, a knight-errant here on Earth on a mission for our King."
John Robert Mallernee

"God bless us, every one."  
Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)

"I have seen much war in my lifetime and I hate it profoundly, but there are worse things than war and all of them come with defeat."
Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood for something, sometime in your life." 
Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

"Nationwide repeal of all firearms legislation, accompanied by a restoration of racial segregation, along with legalized implementation of Code Duello, would immediately resolve almost all contemporary social problems."
John Robert Mallernee

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children - - - because the beauty of white women must not perish from the earth."
David Eden Lane

"Descendants of some of the most ferocious warriors the world has ever known have sadly been brought to their knees by a single word - - - , 'RACISM'."

"We have to try. If we don't try, we don't do, and if we don't do, then what are we on this Earth for?"
From the 1965 motion picture, "SHENANDOAH"

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
James Dean

QUESTION:  "Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?"

ANSWER:  "I don't know and I don't care."



Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

For the best effect, please enjoy watching, in "FULL SCREEN" mode, this automated video series of a collection of my homemade amateur video recordings of ME (!) performing MY ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS, consisting mostly of songs and poetry I wrote, with a wee attempt at a bit of comedy thrown in.

For the best effect, please enjoy watching, in "FULL SCREEN" mode, this automated video series of a collection of my homemade amateur video recordings of ME (!) performing some of my ASSORTED FAVORITE SONGS that other people wrote and recorded.

On each of these collections of my homemade amateur video recordings, you have the option of either watching the entire series, as it automatically plays one video right after the other, and/or watch only selected individual homemade amateur video recording(s) by merely specifically choosing any one (01) or more of my homemade amateur video recording(s) in that collection.

If you watch my homemade amateur video recordings at the YOU TUBE web site, you'll be able to see the lyrics posted in the space directly below each of my posted homemade amateur video recordings.

These homemade amateur video recordings are not in any particular order, but are all mixed up.

Folks, I'm merely an unknown amateur, and I don't make any money from any of this.

I reckon if it weren't for the invention of personal computers and the establishment of the Internet (which I personally regard as divine gifts from our Almighty God), no one would ever hear my songs. 

Thank you for watching.

Vernal, Utah  84078

                                                                   Ann Barnhardt




Retired personnel and former members of the Army (as described above) may wear all categories of medals described in this regulation on appropriate civilian clothing.

This includes clothes designed for veteran and patriotic organizations on Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, and Armed Forces Day, as well as at formal occasions of ceremony and social functions of a military nature.

Personnel may wear either full-size or miniature medals.

Personnel who wear medals on civilian clothes should place the medals on the clothing in approximately the same location and in the same manner as for the Army uniform, so they look similar to medals worn on the Army uniform.


Comrades in Arms:

Here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home, one of the guys, who was considering placing an order for some medals from an Internet dealer, was listing all of his decorations, and I advised him that he ought to order his medals mounted for wear, as that is the easiest way to put them on your clothing.

He said he could understand putting his medals in a display case mounted on the wall of his room, but when would he ever actually WEAR his medals?

I've worn my medals on a lot of occasions, so I've been thinking about that.

Since our Country is at war, it's especially appropriate for us veterans to wear our military decorations on our civilian suits.

We need to set an example for the younger generation.

It's even more true for those of us who served in the old Republic of Viet Nam, because of how we were mistreated and dishonored by our fellow Americans when we made the horrendous mistake of coming back from the war.

The first time I ever wore my medals was when I got married.

(For a larger view, please click on the photographs.)

I was a Specialist Five in the United States Army, and, in compliance with the uniform regulations for enlisted personnel which were in force at that time, I wore them on my dress green uniform, along with a white shirt and black bow tie.

I also wore that same uniform when my wife and I attended a formal military ball at the NCO club celebrating the Cavalry's birthday.

As a civilian, I wear my medals whenever I attend a military funeral (and unfortunately, I've been to a BUNCH of military funerals).

Here in Mississippi, it's too hot to wear a proper coat and tie, so I settle for pinning my medals to a khaki shirt.

If it's an event which is not a formal occasion, then I just wear the riband rack, similar to how we wore our "Class B" uniform when on active duty in the United States Army.

Attending the Virginia Scottish Games and Festival
Anytime I march in a parade, I always wear my medals.

Anytime I attend a public patriotic or military event, I wear my medals.

Anytime I'm wearing my Scottish kilt, and sporting full Highland regalia, it will include wearing my medals.

National Tartan Day is a fine example of that.

I wear my medals when celebrating the birthday of the United States Army.

I wear my medals on Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and Armed Forces Day.

I wear my medals on Independence Day.

If invited to a dinner, I wear my medals on Thanksgiving Day.

That was inspired by my experience as a soldier in the old Republic of Viet Nam going to Australia on a Rest and Recuperation leave in November of 1971, and learning that Thanksgiving was a uniquely AMERICAN holiday, not observed anywhere else.

Other days to wear medals might be the Nineteenth of April, Constitution Day, and Bill of Rights Day.

It's whatever is patriotic and respectful.

I've learned that the full sized medals should be worn on the breast of the suit coat.

For formal evening occasions that require a tuxedo, miniature medals should be worn mounted on the lapel of the suit coat.

When wearing miniature medals while attired in evening dress, unit awards are not worn.

New Year's Eve Dance
I also bought a set of miniature ribands, which I wear on the lapel of my suit coat when I go to church, or anywhere else that requires wearing a coat and tie.

Miniature Riband Rack
for wear on lapel of suit coat.
At the time that I bought them, I bought the type that pin on, but I've since learned that the type that are magnetically mounted are a better buy.

Also, for years, I wore my Expert Rifleman Badge when wearing my medals, but I recently learned from a retired United States Marine Corps gunnery sergeant that firearms qualification badges are not supposed to be worn when wearing the full sized medals.

When purchasing medals, I recommend getting two sets, one mounted for wear, and the other for a display case mounted on the wall.

When you are initially awarded your medals and/or decorations, be sure the accompanying CERTIFICATE and CITATION are included, as those official documents will look especially impressive when properly framed for prominent display on a wall in your home or office.

An example of the CERTIFICATE
accompanying award of the BRONZE STAR

An example of the CITATION
accompanying award of the BRONZE STAR
Also, if you desire, the Department of Defense will engrave your name on the medal, free of charge.

If your military decorations are lost, stolen, or accidentally destroyed, the Department of Defense will replace them, free of charge, - - - ONCE!

Subsequent replacements of lost, stolen, or damaged military decorations must be at the recipient's own expense.

Looking from left to right:
My stepmother's awards, my father's medals,
and my own decorations.
As another bonus for all of us military veterans, several years ago, the Department of Defense issued an announcement, which was also published by the Department of Veterans Affairs, stating that all military veterans, even when attired in civilian clothing, are now permitted to render a military salute (i.e., the position of "PRESENT, ARMS!"). 

In other words, you can salute like a soldier, instead of having to place your hand over your heart, like a civilian would.

Do you know the difference between a "medal" and a "decoration"?

Although we generally use those terms interchangeably, they are NOT the same thing.

The definition is determined by the shape of the metallic device which hangs below the ribbon.

If the metallic device is a round disc, it is a "medal".

A metallic device with a distinctive shape, such as a cross or a star, is a "decoration". 

Military decorations, service awards, and medals are often mistakenly confused with one another.

Decoration is a term for awards which require specific acts of heroism or achievement, whereas a service award or campaign medal is awarded for serving in a particular capacity in a particular geographical area and time frame.

In either case, an award or decoration may be presented as a medal.

So, don't be embarrassed to wear your medals in public.

Why else were they awarded to you - - - , just so you could keep them hidden in a drawer or on a closet shelf?

Thank you.
Armed Forces Retirement Home
1800 Beach Drive, Unit 311
Gulfport, Mississippi  39507


Monday, January 16, 2023

"JOHNNY OPTIMISM", Monday 16 January 2023


Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day

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Above, Robert E. Lee And Martin Luther King

 Happy Robert E. Lee Day! His January 19 birthday was once widely celebrated across the South (it still is mentionable in Alabama) but during the Second Reconstruction has been quietly suppressed to the point where even such a devoted son of the Confederacy as American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor was unaware, when I talked to him on Sunday night, that its local variant in his and Lee’s state of Virginia, Lee-Jackson Day, was supposed to be celebrated last Friday. (Not surprisingly—it seems to have been recently crudely scrubbed from Virginia’s webpage).

But there’s a silver lining, sort of, in this tale of attempted historical lobotomy: it shows that public holidays come—and they go. Martin Luther King Day, rushed through Congress with Obamacare-style disregard of process in 1983, has been by now weighed in the balance for almost thirty years. It has inarguably (but unmentionably) been found wanting. It is time for it to go.

And in fact, I believe it will go, or at least be quietly suppressed like Robert E. Lee Day. The reasons:

  • MLK Day’s 2027 Problem

It is obvious to everyone that there is a reason King’s FBI files were sealed for fifty years back in 1977, and only the Main Stream Media’s typically relentless Politically Correct air cover prevented this flagrant maneuver from discrediting the Martin Luther King Day legislation in 1983.

The problem that these sealed files pose, the MSM/ Ruling Class determination to repress it—and incidentally the unimpeachably reasonable nature of the MLK Day opponents’ position—emerged at President Ronald Reagan’s famous October 19, 1983 press conference:

[Sam Donaldson, ABC News]. Mr. President, Senator [Jesse] Helms has been saying on the Senate floor that Martin Luther King, Jr., had Communist associations, was a Communist sympathizer. Do you agree?

The President. We'll know in about 35 years, won't we?

No, I don't fault Senator Helms' sincerity with regard to wanting the records opened up. I think that he's motivated by a feeling that if we're going to have a national holiday named for any American, when it's only been named for one American in all our history up until this time, that he feels we should know everything there is to know about an individual. As I say, I don't fault his sincerity in that, but I also recognize there is no way that these records can be opened, because an agreement was reached between the family and the government with regard to those records. And we're not going to turn away from that or set a precedent of breaking agreements of that kind.

Donaldson: Sir, what do we do then in 35 years if the records are opened and we find that Dr. King was a Communist sympathizer? Do we then try to undo the law? I mean, I'm not quite certain where the logic is there.

The President. The logic is there in that there is no way that this government should violate its word and open those records now.

I happen to — while I would have preferred a day of recognition for his accomplishments and what he meant in a stormy period in our history here, I would have preferred a day similar to, say, Lincoln's birthday, which is not technically a national holiday, but is certainly a day reverenced by a great many people in our country and has been. I would have preferred that, but since they seem bent on making it a national holiday, I believe the symbolism of that day is important enough that I'll sign that legislation when it reaches my desk.

The President's News Conference, Reagan Library, October 19, 1983

At the time, there was much MSM hyperventilating because Reagan had not roundly rejected the idea that King had Communist connections [Not A 35-Year Question, Editorial, New York Times, October 21, 1983]. But this was simply a demand, now familiar, for religious conformity to the burgeoning King Cult. Reagan’s was the only rational position, especially given the (widely-known but little-reported) information that Senator Helms had already placed in the Congressional Record.

Note, also, the bizarre MSM claim (which Reagan sidestepped) that there would be no “logic” in revoking MLK Day if King turned out to be a Communist. To put this in perspective, consider the protracted and merciless persecution, then just getting underway, of Arthur Rudolph, creator of the Saturn V moon rocket, because of the discovery of his alleged connection with forced labor projects in World War II Germany.

More recently, consider the continuing campaign against GOP Majority Whip Steve Scalise—who now, not coincidentally, is being attacked for his votes against the King holiday: GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise tried to kill Louisiana resolution apologizing for slaveryby Scott Kaufman, Raw Story, January 15, 2015. What Kaufman calls Scalise’s “ties” to David Duke’s relict organization in Louisiana were, on any reading, infinitesimal compared to King’s relationships with Communists and their causes. And when Scalise gave his speech, the U.S. was not engaged in a global struggle with a white supremacist power, nor losing thousands of men in a desperate war against one of its allies.

The plain fact is that King was a Man of the Left and American radicals are quite right to complain that he has been stolen from them. Thus, given that Leftist agitations are much more organized than the MSM cares to report, it might very well turn out that King’s decision to come out in opposition to the Vietnam War in April 1967 was ultimately at the behest of America’s foreign enemies.

A federal holiday for Benedict Arnold?

All this and serial adultery too.

But whatever embarrassments these files may contain—and chilling as it seems to those of us who were around at the time—only twelve years remain before they will be opened. Of course, the way things are going, criticizing King may then be considered Hate Speech.

  • “Integration” just Isn’t working
This week near Dover, Delaware, a viral video appears to show another instance of black-on-white violence among high school students.

Editor’s Note: YouTube has deleted the video originally embedded in this article. Should users navigate to the video’s URL, a message states: “This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube’s policy prohibiting content designed to harass, bully or threaten.”

The shaky cell phone video shows a group of black teenage boys punching, knocking down, and kicking a white teenage boy, leaving him dazed and confused on the school bus floor.

The victim of the attack had been riding home from Parkway Academy School near Dover when the assault reportedly began. The video shows him sitting alone, facing front, when the attack begins from the rear – and continues from the side and the front of the school bus. “I didn’t do nothing,” he protests.

Video: Black Teens Assault White Student on School Bus, by Colin Flaherty, Breitbart, April 30, 2014.

Just another day in the life of white America in the aftermath of the Civil Rights revolution —Flaherty has chronicled scores of similar stories. But one entry in the comment thread, and the reaction to it, was really significant:

I noticed that the School Bus driver failed to intervene or notify the police. It is shockingly evident that we need to create a segregated public school system where the victims of racial violence are separated from their abusers…

This comment received a remarkable 868 positive votes.

Fifty years after the Civil Rights Act, the sophisticated arguments of its opponents go undiscussed, but the simple reality that drove segregation seems to be winning it a new generation of supporters—albeit silent, for now.

From Selma to Birmingham to Detroit, the results of the Civil Rights revolution have been uniformly catastrophic.

The worst racial conflicts since the 1960s are being used to launch a new campaign of Leftist activism. But, although there has been little overt opposition, the election returns make clear that American whites just aren’t buying it.

How long will they continue to buy the Holiday?

  • MLK Day can’t be contained

Many Americans unquestionably thought that, if they just made this one symbolic concession of accepting Martin Luther King Day, they would then be left alone. (They probably think the same about homosexual “marriage.”)

But it hasn’t worked out that way. Martin Luther King Day has simply become a staging area for the inculcation of more white guilt, above all in the class room.

Thus when my son Alexander was eight, he came home from public school early in January and told us that he'd been in some kind of play to dramatize an African American being turned away from a restaurant in the bad old days of the segregated South. In honor of Martin Luther King Day. Sort of like a Christmas Pageant. (Remember Christmas Pageants?)

The Connecticut Berkshires, where we lived, are a whitopia with absolutely no history of segregation whatsoever. Alexander was deeply puzzled. He was particularly impressed by the news that it was bad for policemen to use the word “boy.”

But this area of Connecticut was a hotbed of abolitionism. Those Connecticut farm boys joined up in vast numbers, and died in vast numbers, fighting to free the slaves. There was one famous regiment raised in Litchfield County: the 2nd Connecticut Heavy Artillery, which despite its name was an infantry regiment and which was shot to pieces at Cold Harbor.

There’s still a substantial blue collar population of colonial Yankee stock in northwestern Connecticut. The woman who cut my hair, the man who delivered my mail, had relatives who died in that battle. They were aware of it—but I have never heard any mention of it in the public schools.

I asked teachers about it, I asked the principals about it. None of them had ever heard of it, although they certainly had children in their classes whose ancestors were involved.

Those children could have been taught, even accepting the conventional Civil War morality play, that their forebears had done a noble thing. Instead, they were taught that they, whites, had oppressed blacks—even though their forebears had specifically not done so.

This goes to the issue of what we mean by a "Proposition Nation". Maybe kids are being taught some kind of a "Proposition", a national creed, in the public schools. But what is it?

Writ large, the result of this sort of brainwashing can be seen in the ludicrous spectacle of the Republican Establishment stampeding away from Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema just because he reposted on his FaceBook page an article from Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance called Confessions of a Public Defenderby “Michael Smith.”

It made no difference that Agema apparently picked up the AmRen story from the website of black Republican and former Congressman Allen West, who wrote respectfully of it. Nor does it make any difference that Confessions is basically a straight description of scenes (admittedly dismaying) in heavily black courtrooms—bearing an unmistakable resemblance to scenes in Tom Wolfe’s 1987 best-seller Bonfire of the Vanities. has defended Agema before, when he was under attack for being insufficiently enthusiastic about Muslim immigration. He didn’t resign then, and we hope he doesn’t resign now.

But the unfortunate reality is that debate about race has gone backward in the three decades that Martin Luther King Day has been celebrated—at least in part because of the emotionalism that it systematically exacerbates.

This emotionalism is not an accident. Just as the hyping of the Ferguson fiasco and the Trayvon Martin scam bear all the signs of a concerted campaign to rally the Left’s core voters, so the intensifying King Cult, and the regular Two-Minute Hates against race deviationists like John Derbyshire , Pat BuchananFrank Borzellieri, and James Watson, reflect the profound instability of American politics. As the Democratic Party tips away from whites, it can now only hope to form (to put it brutally) Obama-style Minority Occupation Governments. At all costs, the Left must keep the historic American nation from uniting before it is swamped by government-imposed non-traditional immigration—which it began to show alarming signs of doing (no thanks to the GOP leadership) in the 2010 and 2012 elections.

This comes naturally, because the Politically Incorrect fact is that neither the Left's blackHispanic or Jewish components have any strong tradition of free speech. The question is whether they can cow the Historic American Nation into accepting its subjugation.

Diversity is not strength: it is weakness. The celebration of a deeply-flawed figure like Martin Luther King was a confession of weakness, and the attempt to turn him into a national role model has required unsustainable myth-making. Perhaps in the future, Americans will be allowed to celebrate their own races’ heroes separately, just as Italian villages have different patron saints. Right now, however, the cost of the King cult to white America is too high. coverage of Martin Luther King