FWT Homepage Translator

Monday, April 30, 2012


For a larger view,
please click on the picture.



This is an automated video series of six (06) lectures, seven and one half hours long, presented by the United States Army War College at Carlisle Barracks in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

You might also be interested in obtaining FREE(!) publications from the official web site of the Strategic Studies Institute, a division of the United States Army War College


Sunday, April 29, 2012

FROM "BLUE'S BLOG" - - - ,


I saw this at the "BLUE'S BLOG" web site.

For a larger view,
please click on the picture.
Apparently, it may have originated(?) at the "PROUD TO BE AMERICAN" web site, but I was unable to find it there.


Friday, April 27, 2012



For the best effect, please be sure and watch this automated video series of critically important educational films in "FULL SCREEN" mode.

These educational videos are from the Sarver Heart Center of the Arizona Health Sciences Center at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona.

Please click to read:


For further information, please telephone
Katie Maass at: 520-626-4083

And/or contact the American Heart Association.


Monday, April 23, 2012



Here's the "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip for Monday 23 April 2012.

For a larger view that's easier to read,
please click on the comic strip.

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stranger."

The "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip and the "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" comic strip are created by Stilton Jarlsberg, M.D., and are published on the computer Internet each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 


Sunday, April 22, 2012


For a larger view,
please click on the picture.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration space shuttle, "ATLANTIS", being ferried by a specially built Boeing 747-100 SCA passes over the Ol' Soldiers' Home in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday 17 April 2012 enroute to its permanent home in the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

Photographer unknown, but I was told it was an unidentified contractor doing repairs on the Sherman Building.


Saturday, April 21, 2012



Here are video interviews with two (02) Viet Nam war veterans residing at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi, recorded on Friday 27 January 2012.

For the best effect, please be sure and watch this video in "FULL SCREEN" mode.


One of the veterans who was interviewed, Gunnery Sergeant Richard "Gunny" Ranzo, United States Marine Corps (Retired), requested that I post this video on the Internet, stating that he had received specific permission from the producers of this video for me to do that.




For the best effect, please be sure and watch this NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC video in "FULL SCREEN" mode.

This video was posted on the YOU TUBE web site on Thursday 02 February 2012 by the National Geographic Channel.

Many years ago, I was employed as a correctional supervisor at the Utah State Prison, so I had a particular interest in watching this video.




I just now saw this at the "BLUE'S BLOG" web site.

To view a larger version,
please click on the picture.

If you wish to order some of these signs to be prominently posted at your own commercial business, manufacturing plant, educational institution, house of worship, public arena, medical center, government office, farm, ranch, and/or personal residence, then please send an e-mail to:

At this time, the cost of each sign is thirty-five dollars ($35.00), plus tax and shipping.




On Monday 09 July 2012, many computer users may lose access to the Internet.

Several months ago, the Federal Bureau of Investigation detected an Internet attack by a group of Estonian hackers in "Operation Ghost Click", resulting in a number of arrests.

However, it is estimated that as many as five hundred and sixty-eight thousand (568,000) computers were infected.

To find out if your computer was infected, and if necessary, to repair the problem, please go to:

Thank you.


Thursday, April 19, 2012



Today, Thursday 19 April 2012, is Patriot's Day.

'Twas two hundred and thirty-seven (237) years ago, on this very day, the Nineteenth of April, in the year of our Lord, Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Five, that just seventy-seven (77) men and boys stood on the village green at Lexington, Massachusetts, whence was fired "the shot heard 'round the world".

"Stand Your Ground"
Don Troiani
May we always remember.

And now - - - ,

It's time for a MOVIE ! ! !

For the best effect, please be sure and watch this automated video series in "FULL SCREEN" mode.

Sooooo - - - ,

Gather 'round your young'uns, pop some corn, send out for some pizza, pour some frosty mugs of ice cold root beer, snuggle up on the big comfy couch, dim the lights, and - - - ,

"ROLL 'EM ! ! !"

Pass the popcorn, please.




I just now received an e-mail from an old friend, Sergeant First Class John Erik Kershaw, United States Army (Retired), who currently resides in Washington, D.C. at the Ol' Soldiers' Home informing me that - - - :

HR 347: Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011, was formally enacted into law on Thursday 08 March 2012, which means we, the people, have just forfeited our unalienable right, as guaranteed by Amendment I of our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America, to peaceably protest in the presence of the President of these United States of America.

That is, we the people, have forfeited our unalienable right(s) unless - - - ,

We're ready and willing to FIGHT for it!

So - - - ,

WILL we fight?

If not now, then when - - - , and under what circumstances?

At what point does our own government's tyranny become so unbearable that the populace is forced to take up arms in open bloody revolt?

At what point will we resort to murdering police officers, United States soldiers, neighbors, acquaintences, co-workers, fellow church members, friends, and kinfolk?

After all, that's what a civil war entails, and it looks to me like that is exactly what our government is deliberately orchestrating.

What do YOU think?

Isn't it a bit ironic to learn of this TODAY, of all days, the Nineteenth of April, which is the two hundred and thirty-seventh anniversary of "the shot heard 'round the world"?


Thursday, April 12, 2012



On Saturday 07 April 2012, we enjoyed a National Tartan Day observance at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi.

For the best effect, please be sure and enjoy watching this automated video series of our event in "FULL SCREEN" mode.

We were honored to have a visit from the mayor of Gulfport, Mississippi, George Schloegel.

Randy Seale, from the Scottish Society of Mobile, Alabama explained the origin and significance of National Tartan Day, and read a sample of the Declaration of Arbroath, which was signed on 06 April 1320.

Father Harold F. Roberts, former chaplain of the 48th Highlanders, conducted a "Kirkin' o' the Tartan" service, recognizing and blessing the tartans of each clan.

We also had a few remarks from Carl Campbell, the president of the Highlands and Islands Association of Celtic Gatherings.

There were musical performances from a resident of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, Francis Ward, as well as the Father of Waters Pipe and Drum Band, from Jackson, Mississippi, the New Orleans Strathspey and Reel Society, and Irish step dancing by the Scoil Rince MacCrossan.

A multitude of photographs were taken by Gunnery Sergeant Richard "Gunny" Ranzo, United States Marine Corps (Retired), a resident of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, which you may enjoy viewing in "FULL SCREEN" mode, when watching this slide show.

The event was concluded when the Father of Waters Pipe and Drum Band, along with other participants, paraded through the mess hall at chow time.

You were able to read my latest posted message because a fellow resident here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home, Senior Chief Petty Officer Bobby Farnam, United States Navy (Retired), successfully removed the virus from my computer and installed a brand new operating system, all without charging me one red cent!


Saturday, April 07, 2012

* * * MY COMPUTER INFECTED ! ! ! * * *

Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

I'm using a public computer to compose this e-mail.

At approximately 0200 Hours this morning, my own Toshiba Satellite notebook computer was infected by a trojan virus, identified as "Trojan=win32/sysdef".

It erased everything in my "Start" menu, erased everything in the "My Documents" folder, erased all of my bookmarked web sites, and blocked my access to my "C" drive.

I still had icons on my Task Bar, and by using my Microsoft Security Essentials anti-virus program, I can still get on the Internet, which is how I was able to learn the identity of this particular virus.

Also, my Screen Saver continues to operate, and items on my Task Bar, Weatherbug and B.O.I.N.C., continue to operate.

But, I can't get into my "C" drive to access any of my programs, not even those programs which are still working.

Further, I can't play any CDs, watch any movies on DVD, or listen to radio, for I used my computer for EVERYTHING, which is why I don't have a CD player, radio, or a DVD player.

I downloaded and ran a Microsoft program for removing the "Trojan=win32/sysdef", and at first, I thought it had removed it.

But, even though Microsoft says the virus was successfully removed, I'm still seeing the effects of it, i.e. my blue screen changing to black, and a whole bunch of repeated fake error messages, plus the virus' fake message offering to scan and fix the hard drive.

It's possible that one of the residents here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home can fix it, according to one of his buddies.

Can it be done?

I won't know until we try.

I reckon that since the damage is already done, that even after the virus is finally removed, I'm going to have to format the hard drive and reinstall my Windows XP operating system.

This morning, we had our National Tartan Day observance in the Community Center Room here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home.

I was Master of Ceremonies, and I recorded as much as I could on my camera, and other guys also recorded video and took still photographs.

However, with my computer on the fritz, there's no way I can  put any video or photographs on my computer, and since I'm using a public computer, I can't install the software that's necessary for transferring video and/or photographs from the camera to the computer.

Thus, there's currently no way of putting the pictures on the Internet for all of you to see.

It's sad, too, for these are some GREAT pictures!

We had bagpipe music from Francis G. Ward, United States Navy (Retired), a resident here at the Home, music from the Father of Waters Pipes and Drum Band, Irish step dancing from the Scoil Rince MacCrossan, and fiddle music from the New Orleans Strathspey and Reel Society.

Our celebration was visited by the Honorable George Schloegel, Mayor of Gulfport, Mississippi, who offered a few words from the podium.

Father Harold Roberts, a retired Episcopalian priest, and former chaplain for the Forty-Eighth Highlanders, conducted a brief "Kirkin' o' the Tartans" service, in which the clans and their tartans were blessed.

Clan Campbell was well represented, and when the conversation turned to "Glencoe" (no, it wasn't I who referred to it), I pointed out that Clan Henderson was there, for our clan served as the official pipers and bodyguard for Clan MacDonald.

We also heard from Randy Seale, representing the Scottish Society of Mobile, Alabama, and from Carl Campbell, President of the Highlands and Islands Association of Celtic Gatherings.

This event was truly special AND historic, for it is the very FIRST time that National Tartan Day has ever been observed anywhere on the entire Gulf Coast.

A few of the guys were interested in the "Order of the Chief" medal that I wore around my neck.

The event was concluded with the pipe and drum band marching through the mess hall, with me marching along with them, for I was wearing full Highland regalia, complete with my military decorations, so everybody wanted to see me and take pictures of me.

After the celebration, everybody else went to chow, and I went to my room, where I took a bunch of pills and hit the sack, for I was in PAIN!

A couple of nights ago, I went to Wal-Mart to get some groceries, and when I got home, I discovered that I no longer had a shillelagh, for I'd left it in the shopping cart in the Wal-Mart parking lot.

That certainly aggravates the pain in my back, for I no longer have that wee bit of support when walking.

I looked on the Internet for shillelaghs, but they are expensive!

Besides, you don't want to buy a shillelagh over the Internet, for you want to physically heft it and examine it before handing over any money.

Well, I don't know what's going to happen next.

Obviously, I can't afford to go purchase a new computer.

I sure hope mine can be fixed, but at the moment, it ain't looking too good.

Gosh, gee whillikers, I sure wish you could see these pictures of our National Tartan Day celebration.

I'm still hurting, but it's not as bad now as it was earlier.

In my "snail" mail today, I received my formal invitation from the United States Navy to attend the commissioning of the USS MISSISSIPPI (SSN-782) in Pascagoula on Saturday 02 June 2012.

I'm permitted four (04) guests.

Would any of you like to go?

I'll be travelling on a bus, driven by the Seabees, and I'll be sitting in a reserved area.

But, even though you're my guest(s), you won't be able to go on the bus with me, nor will you be able to sit with me in the reserved area.

No, none of us will be able to go aboard the USS MISSISSIPPI (SSN-782) for a guided tour.

I reckon the day will be VERY hot and sunny, so be sure and make adequate preparations.

Still, it's a once in a lifetime event, so if you want to go - - - ?

Thank you.
Official Bard of Clan Henderson
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507


Wednesday, April 04, 2012



For the best effect, please be sure and watch this April 2012 news report from The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints (i.e., the so-called "Mormon" church) in "FULL SCREEN" mode.



This is a collection of photographs of the matchstick models painstakingly created by eighty-one (81) year old PHILLIP WARREN, of Blandford Forum in Dorset, England.

For the best effect, please enjoy viewing this slide show in "FULL SCREEN" mode.

The majority of the photographs in this collection are copied from the MODEL SHIP GALLERY web site, and the newspaper report can be found in the Thursday 26 August 2010 issue of the DAILY MAIL, at that British newspaper's web site.

Building these models is now a lost art, for the required wooden matchboxes are no longer manufactured.

The collection is not insured, because there's no possible way it could ever be replaced.

In addition, here is an automated video series from the YOU TUBE web site, which I encourage you to watch in "FULL SCREEN" mode:

I was accidentally alerted to this by a forwarded e-mail (even though I almost NEVER read forwarded e-mails!) from an old friend, Sergeant First Class John Erik Kershaw, United States Army (Retired), who resides at the historic Ol' Soldiers' Home in Washington, D.C.


Monday, April 02, 2012


****************************************** ******************************************
I wrote this personal opinion in response to the post, "RED FLAGS", regarding the current news coverage of the shooting of an unarmed negro teenager, Trayvon Benjamin Martin, by a Neighborhood Watch captain, George Michael Zimmerman, in Sanford, Florida, which was the Soap Box message for Monday 02 April 2012 at the CHARLIE DANIELS BAND web site.

William Brock Townsend, and others, at the FREE NORTH CAROLINA web site thought I should post my response here.


What's odd about this is that it's really old news being sensationalized and recycled for nefarious political purposes.

The shooting happened, it was investigated, and no charges were warranted, because the physical evidence and eyewitness testimony verified it was clearly a case of self defense.

Yes, there is more to the story, and what is now being revealed, bit by bit, is that Trayvon Martin wasn't so innocent after all.

As for the issue of racial prejudice and polarization, Michael Luther King, Jr. (his actual name) said he dreamed of the day when his children would be judged, not for the color of their skin, but for the content of their character.

Well, I reckon those folks finally got what they wanted, for the content of their character is now being repeatedly broadcast to the whole wide world.

What is REALLY wrong is for our federal government to be interfering in a local issue.

The local authorities have already thoroughly investigated this case and made their determination.

That SHOULD be the end of it.

As for the agitators and rabble rousers, in some of those cases, they're in violation of the law, and they should be arrested and prosecuted.

Are they getting a free pass because of the color of their skin?

Well, then, cancel their free pass because of the content of their character.

There's a lot more I can say on this subject, having grown up in a segregated community in North Carolina as the so-called "Civil"(?) Rights Movement was going on, and racial integration was being forced on us at the point of a bayonet by our own government.

At the time, being a typical dreamy and idealistic youth, anxious to make the world a better place, I thought racial integration was a great idea, for after all, aren't all men brothers, and aren't all races the same?

But, after all these years, and after all the violations of our Constitution, with its destruction of our lost republic and the negation of our unalienable rights, I see that in attempting to correct one perceived injustice, we committed a far greater wrong, one which probably can't be rectified without massive bloodshed.

No, it's obvious that, although all men may be brothers, all races are NOT the same, nor are all value systems of equal worth.

Further, I've come to the conclusion that racial prejudice is a natural survival instinct given to us at birth by our Almighty God, which is reinforced by years of personal observation and harsh experience.

Thank you.

John Robert "SAIGON" Mallernee
Official Bard of Clan Henderson
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

NOTE: "My unpopular and controversial personal opinions are independent of my Scottish clan."




This is a slide show of the FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIX (426) photographs taken by Gunnery Sergeant Richard "Gunny" Ranzo, United States Marine Corps (Retired), a fellow resident here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi on Saturday 31 March 2012 of the Gulf Coast Vietnam Veterans Salute.

For the best effect, be sure and enjoy viewing this slide show in "FULL SCREEN" mode.


Sunday, April 01, 2012



Here is the "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip for today, Monday 02 April 2012.

For a larger version that's easier to read,
please click on the comic strip.
"What doesn't kill you makes you stranger."

The "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip, created by Stilton Jarlsberg, M.D. , appears on the computer Internet each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
