Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Comrades in Arms:

WELCOME HOME ! ! ! to all my brothers ("for he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother").

Several hours ago, Donald John Trump, the President of our United States of America, signed a new law declaring TODAY, and every 29th of March, officially NATIONAL VIET NAM WAR VETERANS DAY ! ! !

There I was, from Friday 12 December 1969, when I landed at Cam Ranh Bay, until Monday 21 February 1972, when I departed from Da Nang, in the old Republic of Viet Nam.

As a Specialist Four, E-4, Field Radio Relay and Carrier Equipment Repairman (MOS 31L20), I served in Saigon with the Phu Lam Signal Battalion of the 1st Signal Brigade, then with the 178th Maintenance Company at Dong Ha, and then with the 501st Signal Battalion (Airmobile) of the 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile) at Camp Eagle (located west of Highway QL-1, between Hue and Phu Bai).

During my two (02) years as a soldier in the old Republic of Viet Nam, I went on Rest and Recuperation Leave (i.e., "R&R") to Japan (where I visited EXPO '70) and Australia, and enjoyed a thirty-day Special Leave to visit Israel, which was one of the most inspiring events in my life (and during which, I completely circled the globe).

No, I ain't no hero, but at least, I was there.

Thank you.

At your service,

VernalUtah  84078

                                                                   Ann Barnhardt


1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I only personally know 2 Veterans.They are both Trump pence fans. The media lambasts trump and says military vets are not fans of him. I find it to be quite the opposite. God Bless
