Thursday, April 27, 2017



Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

It should be unnecessary to write this e-mail message.

But - - - ,

I just received a notice from one of the project managers at the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (i.e., "S.E.T.I.") scientific research project, one of many computerized scientific research projects distributed by the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (i.e., "B.O.I.N.C."), based on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley.

The events at the University of California at Berkeley currently transpiring in the news are very embarrassing for those of us private individuals who volunteer our personal computers to assist in analyzing the raw data being collected and distributed.

As many of you already know, I am one of the multitude of volunteers around the globe (many of whom are utterly confused by what's happening at Berkeley), and my own computer is used to analyze raw data for the following scientific research projects:

Citizen Science Grid (various projects), Climate PredictionEinstein (studying gravitational waves and pulsars), Large Hadron Collider (accelerator physics), Lattice Project (molecular evolution), Milky Way (imaging our galaxy), PS1 Optical Galaxy Survey (astronomy), Rosetta (three dimensional shapes of proteins), Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (i.e., "S.E.T.I."), SZTAKI Desktop Grid (binary number systems), and the World Community Grid (Cancer, Zika, AIDS, Ebola, Genomes, Tuberculosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Clean Water, Clean Energy, Nutricious Rice for the World).

You didn't know an ordinary personal laptop computer could do all that, did you?

In addition to those projects being run on my computer, there are many more scientific projects a participant may choose to take part in.

Can you see the potential for how much good you can do by using your personal computer's spare time and unused disk space to help solve these mysteries of science?

And, oh, how much damage is now being done to our image and efforts by the rioters and the administration at the University of California at Berkeley!

Indeed, the project managers have been receiving many outraged comments and messages, with some supporters refusing to donate any additional funding to these projects.

But, these scientific research projects are not associated with the rioters, nor (or so I've been advised) do the administrators of the University of California at Berkeley exercise any control over any of the various scientific research projects, other than providing them with physical facilities.

I hope you'll ignore the rioters and the equally onerous decisions of the University of California at Berkeley administration, and join with me in participation and support of the scientific research programs that are so vitally essential for enhancing the health and welfare of the entire world.

After all, there are so many scientific discoveries being made so rapidly, that there are not enough research facilities or personnel to adequately follow up on each new discovery, and that is why it's so important for private individuals to volunteer the use of their personal computers.

If you wish, you may share this message with others.

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee, Esquire, KB3KWS
Ashley Valley Shadows
VernalUtah  84078


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