Friday, August 25, 2017



Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

I've just been notified by the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (i.e., "B.O.I.N.C.") that the IBM World Community Grid has a brand new scientific research project that our personal home computers can participate in, the MICROBIOME IMMUNITY PROJECT.

I realize that in the past, some of you have expressed reservations about volunteering to use your computers for analyzing raw data, but that's your choice.

As for me, I've been doing this now for many years, with no problems whatsoever, earning several virtual Internet awards in the process.

When you volunteer your computer for this work, the data analyzation is done using unused space on your computer's hard drive, operating in the background, without interference, as you continue to perform your normal computer activities, and/or running when you aren't using your computer.

There are many scientific research projects that you can choose from, and I run several of them on my computer all at once.

We live on this Earth in a marvelous age, when there are so many scientific discoveries being made so rapidly, that there aren't enough researchers, laboratories, or computers to handle it all.

That's why universities and research institutes all around the globe are farming the work out to private individuals who volunteer the use of their computers.

Come join with me in this great volunteer effort!

Who knows what YOUR computer might be involved in discovering?

Thank you.

"I am Prince John, of the House of Israel, a knight-errant here on Earth on a mission for our King."

Ashley Valley Shadows
VernalUtah  84078  


Please remember that EVERY message on the Internet, is routinely being intercepted and analyzed by the NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, and because you are reading THIS particular message, they are now watching YOU ! ! !  


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