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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Department of Defense Video of Medal of Honor Presentation

My Fellow Americans:

Here is a web site URL for a video, and it works, using Windows Media Player, but at that web site, you'll have to do a search for the specific video, as they are constantly changing:

The video is of President Bush presenting the Medal of Honor to Tibor Rubin.

So, request the video of "TIBOR RUBIN", or "MEDAL OF HONOR" in the Pentagon's news video web site's search engine.

There is a button on the screen that you can push which will allow you to view it in FULL-SCREEN format, just as if you were watching television.

Tibor Rubin was born in Hungary, and with his Jewish family, was taken by the Nazis to Mauthausen Concentration Camp, where his parents and sister did not survive.

He emigrated to the United States of America, enlisted in the United States Army, and served in Korea with the First Cavalry Division, where he was wounded and captured by the Communists.

As I watched this video, I thought of my good friend, Wilfred "Mac" McCarty, a fellow resident here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home, who participated in the liberation of Mauthausen Concentration Camp, and even has a personal historic photograph displayed at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's web site (you have to search at their web site under "MAUTHAUSEN", "PHOTOGRAPHS", and "WILFRED MCCARTY").

I wonder if he was invited to the White House to participate in that ceremony?

If not, he certainly should have been.

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee, KB3KWS
Official Bard of Clan Henderson
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, D.C. 20011-8400

" - - - the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, and we in dreams behold the Hebrides."

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