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Thursday, September 23, 2010


As of Monday 27 September 2010, BRUCE MUNDY has returned to the Old Soldiers' Home.

Eighty-six year old BRUCE T. MUNDY, United States Navy, who served in the Second World War, the Korean War, and the Viet Nam War, and who is a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, is missing from the Armed Forces Retirement Home.

Officers from the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, using a helicopter and a K-9 unit, spent the pre-dawn hours searching the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, but abandoned the search a few hours ago.

Patrolmen from the Security and Investigations Office at the Armed Forces Retirement Home are continuing the search.


John Robert Mallernee, KB3KWS, in Vernal, Utah said...

I just now received an e-mail informing me that Bruce has telephoned his sister, and efforts are being made to get him home.

John Robert Mallernee, KB3KWS, in Vernal, Utah said...

I just now spoke with the desk sergeant at the Security and Investigations Division.

The information about the telephone call from Bruce Mundy to his sister is not reliable.

Bruce Mundy is still considered to be a "MISSING PERSON".

Bruce Mundy requires continuous medical supervision.

John Robert Mallernee, KB3KWS, in Vernal, Utah said...

I just now walked down to the King Health Center.

The main desk indicates the nurses have Bruce Mundy logged as being "on pass" and "with his family" (in South Carolina?).

John Robert Mallernee, KB3KWS, in Vernal, Utah said...

I just now visited with Bruce Mundy.

He is locked up, constantly guarded, and is VERY unhappy with his situation.