Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

Please click on this link to read and/or download the text of the MILITIA EFFICIENCY ACT, enacted on Wednesday 21 January 1903.

From what I read (and, admittedly, I for sure ain't no lawyer!), the language of that law does not seem to agree with what so many guys on the Internet are referring to, which is language purportedly used in the EFFICIENCY OF MILITIA BILL, H.R. 11654, dated Saturday 28 June 1902, of which I'm unable to locate a copy of the complete text for verification.

Maybe some vital phrases were deleted from the original proposal before the final draft was officially enacted?

If so, then how did those phrases somehow resurface after all these years?

Is there a written record that has been archived somewhere?

Has this legislation been repealed, annulled, or invalidated by subsequent legislation?

This definitely warrants further research, which if proven, must be more widely publicized.

I firmly believe that regardless of legislation by any government, we, the people, were born of God with an implied unalienable right to keep and bear arms, which no written statute, ordinance, or ruling may legally infringe upon.

For the best effect, please be sure to watch, in "FULL SCREEN" mode, my homemade amateur video recording, which I created and posted on Memorial Day, Sunday 30 May 2010, in my room at the Ol' Soldiers' Home in Washington, D.C.

Thank you.

1800 Beach Drive, Unit 311 


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