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Friday, March 30, 2012



Here is the posted schedule for our NATIONAL TARTAN DAY observance for Saturday 07 April 2012 here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi - - - :
For a larger, easier to read version,
please click on the picture.
Declaration of Arbroath
06 April 1320
Here is a photograph of ME(!), the very first time I ever wore my brand new kilt, standing next to John Smith, at the National Tartan Day observance in Alexandria, Virginia on Saturday 07 April 2007 - - - :

Due to security restrictions, anyone wanting admission to participate in our National Tartan Day observance at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi should IMMEDIATELY send an e-mail to Dale Alexander, or telephone our Security desk at: 228-897-4418.

Here is the menu for our noon meal on Saturday 07 April 2012 - - - :

Cream of Chicken Soup
Beef Noodle Soup
Turkey and Cheese Croissant
Chili Beef and Beans
Tamale Pie
Broccoli Florets
Stewed Tomatoes with Onions
Assorted Rolls
(i.e., drum roll, barrel roll, rock 'n' roll, etc.)
Yellow Cake with White Icing

In addition, there is a salad bar, ice cream, fresh fruit, and a variety of beverages.

Our mess hall opens at 1130 Hours, but visitors must wait until 1200 Hours before they are allowed to enter our mess hall, in order to give priority service to our physically handicapped residents.

Visitors wishing to eat chow in our mess hall must pay seven dollars ($7.00).


Wednesday, March 28, 2012



NOTE: This message was originally posted at the "OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE" web site on Wednesday 28 March 2012.

"All a-boooarrrrrd!"

For the best effect, please enjoy watching my homemade amateur video recording in "FULL SCREEN" mode.

At exactly 1800 Hours on Wednesday 28 March 2012, a pair of Union Pacific locomotives pull a freight train consisting of container stack cars South from New Orleans, Louisiana to Mobile, Alabama, on the old Louisville and Nashville Railroad tracks, just before crossing Anniston Avenue in Gulfport, Mississippi.

I recorded this looking due North from the balcony of my room here on the Third Floor of the Central Tower at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi, using my Kodak "Easy Share" Z710 zoom lens digital camera, with 7.10 megapixels resolution, mounted on my MX 2000 tripod.







At 1737 Hours on Wednesday 28 March 2012, a pair of Union Pacific locomotives pull a freight train consisting of refrigerator cars, container stack cars, and auto rack cars North from New Orleans, Louisiana to Mobile, Alabama, on the old Louisville and Nashville Railroad tracks, having just crossed Anniston Avenue in Gulfport, Mississippi.

I recorded this looking due North from the balcony of my room here on the Third Floor of the Central Tower at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi, using my Kodak "Easy Share" Z710 zoom lens digital camera, with 7.10 megapixels resolution, mounted on my MX 2000 tripod.




In the video you're about to see, when introducing this song, I had the correct lead singer, Judith Durham, but I got mixed up and associated her with the wrong group.

This song was recorded by THE SEEKERS, a group from Australia.



There's a new world somewhere
They call The Promised Land,
And we'll get there someday
If you will hold my hand.
I will need you there beside me,
No matter what I do,
For I know I'll never find another you.

There is always someone
For each of us they say,
And you'll be my someone
Forever and a day.
I could search the whole world over
Until my life is through.
But, I know I'll never find another you.

It's a long, long journey.
So, stay by my side.
As we pass through the storm,
I'll be your guide.
I'm your guide!

If I obtained a fortune,
My treasure would be small.
I could lose it all tomorrow
And never mind at all.
But, if I should lose your love, Girl,
I don't know what I'll do,
For I know I'll never find another you.


Monday, March 26, 2012


Here are the "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" comic strip and the "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip for today, Monday 26 March 2012:

For a larger view that's easier to read,
please click on the comic strips.
"What doesn't kill you makes you stranger."

The "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" comic strip and the "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip, are created by Stilton Jarlsberg, M.D., and appear on the computer Internet each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


Sunday, March 25, 2012



(Click for Virtual Tour)

For a larger, easier to read view of this
please click on the picture.

Friday, March 23, 2012






Here is the "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip, created by Stilton Jarlsberg, M.D., for today, Friday 23 March 2012:

To view a larger version that's easier to read,
please click on the comic strip.
"What doesn't kill you makes you stranger."

The "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strips and the "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" comic strips are the creation of Stilton Jarlsberg, M.D., and appear on the computer Internet each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


BONUS: * * * THREE (03) "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" COMIC STRIPS ! ! ! * * *

BONUS ! ! !

Because Stilton Jarlsberg, M.D., couldn't make up his mind which one to choose, here are THREE (03) "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" comic strips for today, Friday 23 March 2012:

To view a larger version that's easier to read,
please click on the comic strips.
The "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" comic strips and the "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strips are the creation of Stilton Jarlsberg, M.D., and appear on the computer Internet each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space: 

In this video recording, Joseph M. Arpaio, Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona is interviewed on the ROGER HEDGECOCK radio broadcast.

This video recording was posted at the YOU TUBE web site on Sunday 18 March 2012 by the BIRTHER REPORT web site.

I learned of this at the DRUDGE REPORT web site.

Thank you.

1800 Beach Drive, Unit 311 




Here is the "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" comic strip for today, Wednesday 21 March 2012:

For a larger view that's easier to read,
please click on the cartoon.
The "HOPE 'N' CHANGE" comic strip and the "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" comic strip, which are created by Stilton Jarlsberg. M.D., appear on the computer Internet each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.




Do you remember the oft quoted lines from the famous hit song, "IMAGINE", composed by John Winston Lennon (1940 - 1980)?

Well, let's do a little imagining, okay?

Imagine there's no taxes on manufacturing, factories, corporations, or privately owned commercial businesses;

That would drop the cost of ALL marketable products, wouldn't it?

Imagine there were no federally mandated Affirmative Action racial or sexual quotas or preferential treatment based on race and/or sex;

That would mean employers were free to hire and promote only the most qualified, which would improve the quality of all products and services.

Imagine if there were no restrictions on firearms, and every citizen were to meet their Christian duty to always be armed everywhere they went;

That would immediately discourage all criminal activity, and it would also greatly lower taxes, since less police and/or prisons would be necessary.

Imagine if every citizen would complete an Emergency Medical Technician training course;

Again, taxes would be less, for fewer hospitals, ambulances, and fire departments would be necessary, because everybody would be more health conscious, more safety conscious, more prepared for disaster, and more concerned about each other's welfare.

Imagine if there were no more requirements for "political correctness";

We would be free to boldly speak the truth regarding racial differences, and children could be taught the correct history of our nation and their ancestral heritage.

No more would we be subjected to inanely misapplied terminology such as, "African American", "Native American", "Gender", "Gay", et cetera.

Speaking of children and teaching,

Imagine if there were no more public school system;

Children would no longer be subjected to indoctrination from federally approved propaganda and/or social conditioning, but they would actually be taught literacy by their parents, and being taught at home, white children would be safe from physical and/or sexual attack by gangs of negro "youths" while at school.

(Oooohhh!!! - - - Nobody's supposed to know about THAT, are they?)

Imagine if we instituted and legalized Code Duello;

Everyone would very quickly become polite, civil, courteous, chivalrous, and HONEST(!!!), for failing to conduct oneself in an honorable manner could cost a man his life, and this would probably also reduce the need for so many lawyers and courts, once again lowering the costs to taxpayers.

Imagine if our nation would return to strict enforcement of our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America, as originally written and ratified;

The majority of political power and law enforcement would be controlled by the several states and local communities, which in turn would instruct our representatives in the federal government concerning the will of the people.

No longer would we be forced to accept abortion, homosexuality, or even forced racial integration if a local community didn't want it.

Citizens would pay taxes to their communities or states, not to the federal government, which would have to be sustained by the states.

No longer would the President of the United States be permitted to bypass the congressional legislative process by issuing illegal executive orders, nor likewise, would the Supreme Court of the United States, or federal district courts, be allowed to create legislation through their rulings.

There would be no war or military commitments unless the United States Congress formally declared it and financed it.

All of our military forces would immediately be brought home from ALL foreign countries.

Our active duty military forces could (and should) be greatly reduced to only a small professional cadre for maintaining equipment, and/or organizing and training state and local militias, which would then become our nation's primary means of defense, as our nation would eschew interfering in the affairs of other countries.

Imagine if we secured our border with Mexico, and immediately rounded up and deported EVERY illegal alien;

Just think how many job opportunities that would become available for citizens of our own United States of America?

Just think how many closed hospitals could financially afford to once more open their doors to the public?

Just think how much lower the violent crime rate would be?

Just think - - - , no more "Press one for English"!

Imagine if Congress shut down the Federal Reserve System, and returned our national economy to the gold standard;

Our money might actually be worth something!

The economy wouldn't be in imminent danger of total collapse (as is our present situation).

Imagine if there were no prisons;

Property offenders would be bound into servitude to their victims, until their debt was repaid.

Murderers and sex offenders would not be executed by the state, in the middle of the night, hidden from everyone's view, but instead, they would be publicly executed in broad daylight, with the execution carried out by the family of the condemned's victim.

Just as outlined in our Holy Bible, there would be consideration for those who kill or maim by accident, or in self defense, such as cities of refuge, where an offender could plead his case, and if found legitimate, would be protected from family revenge for seven years.

I know one thing;

If we did those things I imagined, we'd ALL eventually be filthy, stinking RICH, just LOADED with spendable cash!!!

Not only that, we'd all be a whole lot safer.

Just think of the world the young'uns would grow up in!

All of the other nations and peoples around the globe would try to follow our example, which would in turn, improve their own lives.

Okay, Folks, for the moment, I think I've about run out of steam.

So, what kind of things can YOU imagine?




********* WARNING ! ! ! *********

This dangerously illegal and immoral subversive underground resistance message is being surreptitiously monitored by the Beaming Internet Government Broadband Radio Oscillation Telecommunications Hearing Electronic Reconnaissance (i.e., B.I.G. B.R.O.T.H.E.R.) as part of a coordinated official clandestine domestic surveillance investigation, in cooperation with the National Administration of Zealous Interrogation (i.e., N.A.Z.I.) and the Commission On Message Monitoring Investigative Electronics (i.e., C.O.M.M.I.E.).

Serious felony criminal charges are pending, with extreme penalties yet to be determined!


Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

Yesterday morning, I had an appointment at the VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System in Biloxi, Mississippi.

The good news is that I lost five (05) pounds, I am not diabetic, and I don't have colon cancer.

The bad news is I could drop dead at any moment from either a heart attack or a stroke.

My bad cholesterol is over three times whatever the upper limit is, and my good cholesterol is less than half what is required.

I'm totally exhausted, and I'm not sure if I'm in pain because I'm exhausted, or if I'm exhausted because I'm in pain.

That's why I rarely go anywhere or do anything.

Or maybe, it's because I've got a severe addiction to the Internet?

I'm on this computer night and day!

There appears to be a vascular problem in my legs, probably due to clogged arteries, which is why I stagger and almost fall each time I stand up.

They think the fiery, burning pain I'm feeling in my left arm, left shoulder, left shoulder blade, and the left side of my neck is probably due to a pinched nerve in my spine.

I'm supposed to quit eating my normal noon meal of double bacon cheeseburgers, French fried potatoes, three cups of vanilla ice cream, and two glasses of ice cold Coca-Cola.

Actually, I prefer Pepsi-Cola, but our mess hall only serves Coca-Cola.

I should also stop eating fried chicken and biscuits and gravy.

No more snacking on almonds or pecans.

Fruit drinks are bad.

V-8 vegetable juice is bad.

Snacking on animal crackers is okay.

I need to force myself to leave this computer and go swimming and/or ride around the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement Home on a tricycle.

I can ride a bicycle, but I choose the tricycle because it has a basket where I can carry my shillelagh.

The bicycle doesn't have anyplace for me to store my shillelagh.

They also want me to eat three (03) meals a day.

I have a lot of trouble with my medication.

There's so many different pills for me to take, all of them with different instructions, that I just go as long as I can without taking anything (because I don't want to be addicted), and then, when I finally do take them, I'll take them all at once, ingesting usually three or four times the prescribed dose.

I just got through watching an old episode of "GEORGE BURNS AND GRACIE ALLEN".

I can hear the sound, but I can only understand part of what is being said.

"Buy Carnation Evaporated Milk, the milk from contented cows."

At the VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System, I tried cracking jokes with the staff about "Soylent Green" and "liver, with fava beans and a nice Chianti", but they were too young to know what I was talking about.

I have the same problem here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home.

I'm old and they're young, so sometimes, they don't know what I'm talking about when I make a joke.

And, as you know, when you have to explain a joke, then that just kills it.

But, I've been plotting what I'm going to do for April Fool's Day.

I've got some sneaky ideas.

What about you?

Are you working on some devious designs?

One week from today, a group of us from the Armed Forces Retirement Home are going on a guided tour of New Orleans, Louisiana.

On Saturday 31 March 2012, a whole bunch of us are getting on buses to take us to Mobile, Alabama for a Gulf Coast Vietnam Veterans Salute.

Hmmmm - - - ,

Maybe I'll go there wearing my Clan Henderson kilt?

After all, there's nothing more military than the traditional regalia of an ancient Highland clan!

On Wednesday 04 April 2012, I'm scheduled to go over to Tower "D", where the Assisted Living section of the Armed Forces Retirement Home is, and sing for the folks there, but I've forgotten what time I'm supposed to be there.

I reckon (I hope) somebody will remind me!

On Saturday 07 April 2012, the Highlands and Islands will celebrate National Tartan Day here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home.

On Saturday 02 June 2012, buses from the Armed Forces Retirement Home will take us to Pascagoula, Mississippi to attend the formal commissioning of the USS MISSISSIPPI (SSN-782), where we'll have reserved seating.

I hope I make it to those events.

A lot of times, I sign up to participate in these outings, but when the time comes, I'm just too exhausted, and/or won't leave the comfort of my room.

Lately, it's really warm here, so I think I might start spending nights sitting on the beach with my guitar.

But, the next few days will be rainy and stormy, so it might be another week or two before I take my guitar to the beach.

The inclement weather also means I'll have to delay setting my camera and tripod up on my balcony, where I'll be recording some of the choo choo trains that pass by.

I bought a folding chair, and I've got an extra folding TV tray table that I'll be using on the balcony while I sit and listen for any distant sounds of approaching trains.

It's really neat having my very own full-scale model railroad set right here outside my balcony door!

Well, my back is bothering me, so - - - ,

Shall I take my medicine, or shall I take the pain?

Whatever - - - .

"Xin loi."

Thank you.
Official Bard of Clan Henderson
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi  39507

NOTE:  "My unpopular and controversial personal opinions do not represent my Scottish clan."
