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Friday, March 29, 2013


********* WARNING ! ! ! *********

This dangerously illegal and immoral subversive underground resistance message is being surreptitiously monitored by the Beaming Internet Government Broadband Radio Oscillation Telecommunications Hearing Electronic Reconnaissance (i.e., B.I.G. B.R.O.T.H.E.R.) as part of a coordinated official clandestine domestic surveillance investigation, in cooperation with the National Administration of Zealous Interrogation (i.e., N.A.Z.I.) and the Commission On Message Monitoring Investigative Electronics (i.e., C.O.M.M.I.E.). 

Serious felony criminal charges are pending, with extreme penalties yet to be determined!

Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

Gosh, gee whillikers, I sure wish you folks could be here RIGHT NOW (!), THIS VERY MINUTE (!), to also enjoy this spectacular vista of a brilliant full moon in a clear sky being reflected off the waters of the Mississippi Sound on the Gulf of Mexico, adjacent to the scattering of colorful distant night lights in nearby Biloxi and Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi.

I wish my camera was capable of adequately recording this scene, but unfortunately, it's merely an obsolete Kodak "Easy Share" Z710 zoom lens digital camera, so it's just too inadequate for the job.

Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, but you should really SEE this!

Totally nifty, huh?

Please excuse me for a couple of minutes while I step outside and bay at the moon. 

I think it's a sort of "guy" thing, bred into our basic feral instincts from very ancient times, because I ain't never seen a female of our species publicly indulging in this wondrous ritual. 

But, for us guys, it's actually a rather basic metaphysical requirement. 

Thank you.
Armed Forces Retirement Home 
1800 Beach Drive, Unit 311
Gulfport, Mississippi  39507

NOW THEN, in honor of this auspicious occasion, I present to you - - - ,

For the best effect, please be sure to enjoy watching, in "FULL SCREEN" mode, my homemade amateur video recording of ME (!), performing my original composition, "INSPIRED BY THE FULL MOON".



Words and Music by:

Sunday 04 July 1993
Salt Lake City, Utah

When the full moon
Climbs over the mountain
Shining cold
And lonesome up above:
Like a lone wolf
Howling through the darkness,
My heart aches
For a woman I can love.
Hear that locomotive
Cross the desert
As it wails
And thunders through the night:
And I know
It's time to wander onward;
Find the love
Who'll make my world all right.

VERSE # 01:
Somewhere out there,
Beyond the far horizon,
Lies a destined
Answer to a prayer.
There's a woman;
Lonely, lost, and looking
For someone to come
And rescue her out there.

VERSE # 02:
In a plane,
I'll fly across the heavens.
In a ship,
I'll sail across the sea.
Through hot jungle
And the freezing tundra,
Fight my way
To true love's victory!

VERSE # 03:
It's not right
To live without a woman.
No one knows
The lonely tears I've cried.
So, I'll search,
As all the world I wander,
Until at last,
My true love's by my side.




Brock Townsend said...

What was the name of that place where you checked on someone's service.

John Robert Mallernee, KB3KWS, in Vernal, Utah said...

Brock, Et Alii:

There are several web sites that specialize in exposing military imposters and/or fraudulent military service, but the one that I mentioned, which you're apparently inquiring about, is the, "THIS AIN'T HELL, BUT YOU CAN SEE IT FROM HERE", web site, hosted by Jonn Lilyea.

Their URL is:

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

Brock Townsend said...
