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Monday, October 27, 2008


Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

When listening to traditional Celtic music at the Accu Radio web site, I encountered Connie Dover, a gorgeous blonde Wyoming cowgirl, who speaks French.

Here are the lyrics to a song that she composed:


The darkness now is lifting.
Dawn blushes in the sky.
It lays a spread of gold and red
And breathes a lullaby
To a thousand quiet creatures
Of earth and sky and stream
Who cannot know that paradise
Will one day be a dream.

When the last wagon rolls along
And fades into the West,
And cuts a trail of progress
Through a singing skylark's nest;
When the last woodland creature
Lifts her head to flee
And is snared by her protector,
Lord, who will set her free?

When the boundless spirit
Has no place to roam,
The heart will sadly whisper,
This world is not my home.
When the sweep of wind along the grass
Bows down to destiny,
When the last bright star has fallen,
Lord, who will comfort me?

When the last prairie flower
Gives up her yellow bloom;
When the high cathedral skies
Give way to crowded rooms;
When we parcel heaven
And fence eternity;
When the wildness is all tamed and torn,
Don't let me live to see.

When the last campfire flickers
And is laid to righteous rest;
When the ones who wandered without fear
Are cursed who once were blessed;
When all our deeds of glory
Are laid in front of Thee;
When You ask what man hath wrought,
Don't rest Your gaze on me.

Words: Connie Dover
Music adapted from "The Way West" by Brian Keane (Brian Keane Music, ASCAP)

From the CD, If Ever I Return, by Connie Dover © Taylor Park Music/Connie Dover

You can listen to her performing this song on an Internet video.

Ain't this absolutely tear-jerking beautiful?

Boy, I'd sure like to meet that gal, and I'll definitely be purchasing a couple of her compact discs.

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee, KB3KWS
Official Bard of Clan Henderson
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, D.C. 20011-8400

NOTE: "My unpopular and controversial personal opinions are independent of my Scottish clan."

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